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Living Word World Missions Center

To fulfill God's mandate of taking the Gospel from our city to the uttermost parts of the earth, and to win people of all nations for Christ by establishing churches and discipling the nations through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Living Word World Missions Center is both a local and international outreach center that provides spiritual and financial support to missionaries on the field and assists in establishing churches and improving existing church facilities.

It is our goal to address and meet the spiritual and physical needs of people everywhere so that their lives may be changed forever. We believe that God's Kingdom is expanded as His people sow their time, spiritual gifts, and material resources into His service. And, in doing so, God is glorified and people receive the help they need to live a better life and to experience God's great love.

The Missions Center offers short-term mission trips usually lasting a week to 10 days. Our Missions Team has ministered the Word of God in many countries including the African countries of Benin, Nigeria, Uganda, and Durbin, Columbia, South America, Costa Rica, Mexico, and the Philippines. We have seen God work miracles, signs, and wonders as many have been saved, delivered, and set free!

If you would like to join us on an upcoming mission trip or would like more information, please call 708-697-5309.

"Tell them, As I live, says the Lord, what you have said in My hearing I will do to you:" - Numbers 14:28 (Amplified Bible -AMP)