Membership Benefits:
- Counseling by authorized leadership (Pastor Winston - based on availability)
- Regular communication via newsletter, CD, and roundtable discussions at annual meetings
- License and Ordination certification
- Listing in Membership Directory
- Prayer covering
- Personal invitations and preferred seating at Annual Conferences and Crusades
- Bookstore and product discounts
- An inside look at LWCC and its entities
- A wallet size Membership card
Access to information and resources such as:
- Banking products and services
- Ministerial School (Enrollment Discount)
- School of Business and Entrepreneurship
- Assistance in television and radio production services
- Audio, video, CD, and DVD duplication services
- Group Insurance Coverage (TBA)
- Leverage on Corporate Buying Power (TBA)
- Media, Marketing Consulting and Graphic Design Services
- Helps Ministry resources and information
- Access to Prayer and Foundation Ministry classes
Why FMA?
- Kingdom Expansion
- Ministry Fellowship
- Resource Sharing
- Mentorship
- Ministry Impartation and Counsel
- Relationship Building